What's Your Appointment-to-Listing Ratio?

How many listing appointments to you need to schedule in order to finish your real estate sales year with 40 listings?
… 60 Listings? 
…120 listings?

 When you know this number, you can dictate the number of real estate listings for sale you finish the year with.

 You can know your real estate sales income with certainty. No surprises. 

 Watch the video below for the specific formula to get listings from appointments scheduled. 

Then call me at 480-385-8810.  
This and my other systems and strategies— will simplify and multiply your real estate business. You’ll make a lot more money successfully selling real estate! 
Let’s have a short (and super-friendly) phone conversation so I can get to know your real estate business and show how to ramp it up with more real estate listings, more buyer and seller referrals, and more successful closings for an incredible success in real estate sales!
Here’s the number: 480-385-8810. Call me! In the meantime…
Listen to a proven real estate listing strategy…