When was the last time you listed your own home for sale as a real estate listing?

Remember the discomfort as strangers peered into every closet of your home because you were a home for sale? …They peeked in your kitchen drawers? …And in your medicine cabinet?

Uncomfortable, right?

When you go on a real estate listing appointment, every word you say is scrutinized.

Put yourself in your seller’s shoes for a minute.

Don’t focus on their carpet, clutter, or paint color. Don’t focus on elaborate preparation of their home for showings. Don’t focus on living “unnaturally” for the next duration of time.

Focus instead on the outcome.

Focus on what’s at stake.

What’s at stake when choosing a real estate listing agent? The seller receiving tens of thousands of dollars more by choosing the right listing agent and following that Listing agent’s advice.

Be that exact right agent!

Because you price their home exactly right (you educate them about the impact of pricing it right by using the Fearless Agent pricing presentation) your real estate seller will net way more money than they would with any other real estate agent.

All the staging in the world won’t sell a home that’s priced too high!

If you don’t already have our listing or pricing presentations, and are curious about the difference they make, give me a call at 480-385-8810.

For the best advice on how to net your seller the maximum dollar amount, watch the video below.