Let's talk about rejection.

 Sales trainer Tommy Hopkins said, “The number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying.” 

Some real estate agents won’t prospect because they think that hearing the word, “no” is rejection. When you think about it, it’s just an answer to your question: “Are you thinking about selling?”  Their simple answer is “No, we’re not thinking about selling just yet.” That’s not rejection. 

What if someone is abrupt on the phone when you’re telephone prospecting? Do you take that personally? That’s not rejection. It’s a “no” for an answer.

Tommy Hopkins, in his book How to Master the Art of Selling, asked this question “How many ‘no’s’ am I willing to accept on my way to success?”

Clearly, he sought to get “no” as an answer. The more no’s he got in answer to his sales proposition, the more yes’s he received, as well.

The more no’s you get from telephone prospecting for real estate business, the yes’s you’ll get as well!

The point? Stay on the phone and prospect for real estate business. Have a contest with yourself or a real estate co-worker.  The goal for you, like Tommy Hopkins, should be to get as many no’s as possible!


Watch the video below. I will explain more about how to think about telephone prospecting.


Then call me to see how to use the answer “No” to grow your profits selling real estate. This —and my other systems and strategies— will simplify and multiply your business.

Let’s have a short (and super-friendly) phone conversation so I can get to know your business and show how to ramp it up with more listings, more referrals, and more closings for an incredible income in real estate sales!

Here’s the video: